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Coding style guide

Good and coherent style is helpful to other contributors and yourself in the future. Please follow them.

Make ESlint happy

poi uses ESlint as code linter, and is bundled with .eslintrc.js conf file. ESlint is accessible through command line, or you may try editors with ESlint extensions, e.g.

  • Sublime Text 3 + SublimeLinter + SublimeLinter-eslint
  • Atom + Linter
  • Visual Studio Code + ESlint

You should avoid ESlint errors, and leave as few warnings as you can. Our rules are not perfect, so if you encounter any ESLint errors that cannot be resolved, please provide details of the error in comments or Pull Request.

Other styles


Game api's style use snake_case (e.g. api_mst_slotitems). You are allowed to use them for your variable definition too. However, camelCase is recommended, for example, apiMstSlotitems.

const { api_maparea_id, api_mapinfo_no } = postBody
const mapId = `${api_maparea_id}${api_mapinfo_no}`

Function use the same naming rules as variables.


For class or react element, use PascalCase: FileWriterShipView.

For files use kebab-case:

import export

if babel es6 is available, please use babel's import / export syntax:

import { remote } from 'electron'
import { unstable_batchedUpdates as batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom'

export const extendReducer = ...

Please note the space between variables and curly braces.

In some cases, however, require is inevitable:

import Promise from 'bluebird'
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs-extra'))

Leave a blank line (EOL) at the end of file

Code Comments

Please feel free to write comments in your code where necessary.


Indentation for JSX are also 2 spaces.