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API introduction

Generally, plugin benefits from rich and various API available in poi, including:

  • Chromium javascript API/features provided by Electron, depending on Electron's chromium version
  • Node.js built-in API, e.g. fs, path. It is depending on Electron's node integration version
  • libraries included in poi's dependencies, like React, fs-extra, etc. It is depending on poi's version.

Furthermore, every pieces of code of poi can be imported, among which are poi's API and utility functions.

Poi also defines some global variable or objects to ease the development.

As poi appends its root path to importing paths, so you can import path relative to poi root, for example

import { shipsSelector } from 'views/utils/selectors'

// which means:
import { shipsSelector } from `${ROOT}/views/utils/selectors` //
// ROOT is poi's root path, and literal template is not unsupported in `import` syntax