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Utilities in poi

Global constants

ROOTstringpoi's root path, namely path where package.json and index.html reside
APPDATA_PATHstringpath to store user data
%AppData%/poi (Windows),
~/.config/poi (Linux),
~/Library/Application Support/poi (macOS)
POI_VERSIONstringpoi version

Although we have some globals such as ships, $ships, slotitems and $slotitems to ease devtool interactive debugging. It is not recommended to use them in the plugin because they cannot be reactive to changes. You're supposed to get these data via Redux.

Note: some globals are actually Proxy, directly using them may cause hidden problems. for example:

const { ships } = window // ships will not get updated! It remains the same data as when it is declared

There're also some global functions defined in window, they're for compatibility reason or for easing devtool debugging. They should be import to your code.

Environment for window mode

In window mode, the plugin component is mounted by window opened by method using portals, so you can't access environment of new window directly by calling window object (It is window object of main window).

The environment of new window can be accessed by context.

import React from 'react'
import { WindowEnv } from 'views/components/etc/window-env'

// window: window object of window that plugin belongs to.
// mountpoint: container that mounts plugin and overlays(tooltip, modal, etc).
export const reactClass = () => (
    {({ window, mountPoint }) => <div>{window.document.title}</div>}


Poi supports various notifications:

Info bar

To display information in the info bar under game area:

window.log('Something') // display on the information bar below game window
window.warn('Something') // display on the information bar below game window
window.error('Something') // display on the information bar below game window
window.success('Something') // display on the information bar below game window


To use desktop noftication, check views/env-parts/ for more detail:

window.notify('Something') // desktop notification
window.toggleModal('Title', 'Content') // display modal, Content can be HTML
// if you need to customize buttons
var footer = [
    name: String, // button display name
    func: Function, // action on clicking the button
      String in ['default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning'], // button style
window.toggleModal('Title', 'Content', footer)


To use toast, check views/env-parts/ for more detail:


Config API

Global window.config class handles configurations. The config is saved in config.cson that resides in APPDATA_PATH, and also loaded in store.config.

window.config.get('', 'default') // get a user config value, if fail, return the default value (NOT RECOMMENDED, SEE BELOW)
window.config.set('', 'some value') // save a user config value, not providing value will delete the config path
window.layout // current layout = 'horizontal' || 'vertical'
window.theme // current theme

If you want to use config within React component, instead of config.get, the best practice is to use selectors (see views/utils/selectors) to retrieve from store.config, with lodash's get method or optional chaining operator.

Inter-Plugin Call

Note: this is not electron's IPC(Inter-Process-Call)

Inter-Plugin Call is created to enable communications among plugins. Apart from IPC, You can also share data via Redux.

Registering plugin's API:

You should use a unique string, say, plugin name as IPC scope to avoid conflicts.

const { ipc } = window

ipc.register("scope_name", {
  api_name:   @ref_to_function
  api_name2:  @ref_to_function_2


const { ipc } = window

ipc.unregister('scope', 'api_name');
ipc.unregister('scope', ['api', 'api2']);
ipc.unregister('scope', {
  api:   @whatever
  api2:  @whatever

Calling other plugin's API:

NOTICE: All calls are asynchronous. A return value could not be expected.

scope = ipc.access('scope')
scope?.api_name?(args) // you should check the existence before calling to avoid exceptions

A plugin's ipc existence is also in Redux store

Calling an API of all plugins:

ipc.foreachCall('api', arg1, arg2, ...)


Poi supports i18n with i18next package.

Place your translation files in the path indicated by poiPlugin.i18nDir of package.json

You can import the i18next object from views/env-parts/i18next and use it to start translation.

import i18next from 'views/env-parts/i18next'

i18next.t('Yori Dori Midori Poi~')

const fiexdT = i18next.getFixedT('en-US', 'main')

fixedT('poi poi poi')

react-i18next is preferable used within your React components.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { translate } from 'react-i18next'

class PoiContent extends Component {
  render() {
    const { t } = this.props

    return <div>{t('poi is awesome')}</div>

more usage could be found in react-i18next's officail docs.